Singers need to plan their future!
What do your current and future plans look like?
Have you thought about what your future life might look like and can be if you decided TODAY to step into becoming the artist you’re called to be?
“the formation of a mental image of something.”
Your dreams cannot stay as dreams, they must become a reality that you strategically design. So, where do you start?
If you enjoy the idea of performing and being on a stage, the first thing to get started is to VISUALIZE yourself performing!
Visualizing helps you see the possibilities! Indulge in that mental image of yourself standing in front of a mic, you’re surrounded by speakers, musicians, lights and an audience before you whose eager to listen to your music.
There’s power in visualization. If you see it before it happens, it’s meant for you to attain it. The visual image serves as motivation to work towards your goals. Creating a visual image in your mind is the fuel needed to kickstart your dream to perform. There is power in visualization! Scientists believe that visualization sends a signal to your brain which then helps you behave in such a way that is consistent with the image you visualized.
Scientists also say, another powerful tool to activate as you’re visualizing yourself as a performer is to use your senses. Activate your senses to feel the reality of yourself as an artist!
The next step in making your dreams a reality is to design your life as an artist!
Once you’ve visualized becoming a singer and performer, you cannot simply dream and fantasize about it. You must now move into action! What must you do to become the person you’re visualizing?
First things first - develop an action PLAN! Planning can be super fun as you design on paper the things you must do to step into the reality of your dreams. Ask yourself a few questions:
How are your vocal performances? Are people loving and begging you to sing?
Do you need to link up with a vocal coach and improve your vocal skills?
Are you going to sing covers? Will you write your own music?
If you are writing original music, will you write by yourself?
Do you need to connect with another songwriter?
Will you be performing solo or do you want to work with a band?
Will you release your music on digital platforms?
Do you know a music producer you can work with?
How many songs will you release?
Do you want to perform at local gigs? Are you willing to book gigs outside of your area and travel?
What will your social media presence look like?
Are you social media savvy to build a following?
Do you need to hire a social media manager?
What are your goals?
What are your target dates to accomplish them?
These are just some starter questions to get your mind to consider the things you can get started on to activate your dreams into a reality. There are many more questions to run through as you think about who you are becoming. Write down as many questions you can think of. However, don’t worry if you can’t think of everything. It’s fine, you will always have questions along the way.
Now that you have an idea of some of the things you will need to work on, its important to plan out how you will work on the goals you’ve come up with.
A calendar or a planner are your best friend. As you’re getting started on this journey, you will need to see your plan written down. It needs to be a tangible resource that you can see and be continually reminded of of.
We started this discussion with mental visualization, and just like it was important to empower your brain and your body to embrace your artist, persona, in this stage, your written plan has to be physically visual.
You can begin to plan out when you’ll start with your first step. For example, if you discovered in your question stage that it may be important to improve your vocal performance before you start on a stage, then, plan to meet with a vocal coach. Look in your area and find some one-on-one sessions you can take.
While you’re working on voice, schedule time to write music. Be sure to have a consistent schedule where you’re writing and finding the sound that best represents you as an artist. Your calendar/planner, should be planned out for the weeks ahead so that you’re reaching your weekly, monthly and quarterly goals.
Plan who you need to meet and connect with. Plan when you want to have things accomplished by. Over time, as you are diligent, you will find that you will be checking off the things you’ve planned and you will be closer and closer to living out your dream.
To be an artist, you have to become one. It is a deliberate process to become an artist. It requires consistency, hard work, focus and determination. Artists are not born, they are made. You may not become an overnight success and that’s ok! But as long as you are planning, designing the artist life you want, you WILL achieve your dream to sing and perform.
Sending all my love and best wishes to you and your dreams! If you ever need to chat, don’t hesitate to let me know how I can help you!
Keep being amazing,