Aspiring Artists: Do THIS to conquer fear!
As I continue the series of my journey stepping into the music calling that was laid out for me, I was reminded of how fear played a prominent role during my early years. It really impacted the decisions I made about my life and future.
It’s possible I would have been in a different place today had I not let fear influence me so much. Then again, I have no regrets because I am in a great place today. I believe we will always be guided in our decisions.
So, because I’ve learned a thing or two, I can now share some of these things to help you in your own journey.
Truth be told, when we’re just starting out in life we seem to give fear too much of a voice in our decisions.
Since fear has the power to cripple and prevent us from doing what we’re called to do, it is important to understand how to recognize it and not get hung up being controlled by it. Arming ourselves with truth, will break us free from fear. Trust me, your future accomplishments will thank you.
Being afraid is a natural human emotion that every single person deals with. It’s natural to sense fear in certain situations. But did you know that it’s purpose is to help unlock survival mode so that you can react appropriately in a dangerous situation?
Fear is not supposed to paralyze or prevent you from taking action on the things you have been given the courage to do. In fact, the opposite is supposed to happen, fear motivates you to take action!
Think of it this way, if you’re walking on train tracks and you hear the sound of a train whistle in the distance, do you keep walking on the tracks, or do you run out of the way in order to preserve your life?
Obviously, the fear your body feels at that moment of hearing the train whistle will propel you to run out of the way as fast as you can. It is not going to paralyze you to stand there doing nothing.
Artists in particular struggle with fear-based thoughts constantly. Am I good enough? Will people like me? Is my music good? What if I embarrass myself on stage?
These fear-based thoughts come to you as a way to cripple you and prevent you from stepping into your best self.
However, if you understand the purpose of fear based on what I briefly spoke in the above section, then you understand that you are supposed to be propelled into action.
Step out of the way and run towards your purpose!
For example, when the thought “What if I embarrass myself on stage?” enters your mind, the immediate follow up thought should be “I will not embarrass myself on stage because I have rehearsed and practiced. I’m prepared for my performance.”
“Preparation overcomes fear!” ~ MRJ
When you are well rehearsed then you are well prepared to accomplish whatever goals you’ve set for yourself.
But let’s take it two steps backward. Perhaps you are not in that place to get on a stage yet. Perhaps you are at the early stages of singing and performing and you really want to do it but you’re afraid to put yourself out there.
You won’t even go on social media to perform. You’re kinda hiding from the world.
Hiding is a form of fear! It’s setting you up to freeze and not take action.
Perhaps you want to be a part of your worship team but no one knows that you have this desire. You haven’t spoken to no one about it and so they are not aware that you want to be involved.
This is when you have a conversation with yourself to jump start yourself into action.
“If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed”
Taking action may mean that you let people know you want to perform! Take that first step!
Be courageous and turn the camera on and get on socal media. Go and sing a cover song OR sing an original song if you have one!
Now….Don’t go and hide yourself by turning the camera off and only showcase your voice! We need to see and hear you, my friend!
You have to commit - ALL THE WAY! Get in front of the camera and perform! I promise as you do this, you will break the stronghold of fear over your life!
And can I tell you a little secret????
The more you do it, the easier it will become.
I said it earlier, but its worth repeating again! Preparation overcomes fear!
For artists, the more prepared you are, the easier it is to combat fear. Many times, the reason why we become afraid is because we are just not prepared. We haven’t put in the time or the effort to be ready!
Being unprepared creates anxiety. How you reduce that anxiety and fear is determined by how much time you invest preparing through rehearsals and getting better at your craft.
The more prepared you are, the more confident you feel and the less fear and anxiety you experience.
Take a look at the today’s great artists! When they go on tour, they spend countless hours rehearsing parts, dance moves, everything! They are not up there “winging it.”
Do they get nervous before show time? Of course, they get nervous. Everyone gets nervous! However, prepared artists have built confidence because they know every single part of the show - - they’ve invested hours preparing!
Preparation is Powerful! To be successful, it’s essential to prepare!
“Preparation will always trump fear!” ~ MRJ
So, I conclude with this question…
What are you afraid of currently as an artist? What can you be doing today to help you get prepared? As you take that first step, I promise you, you will conquer fear!
It will not win over you any longer!
Today is the day to start! Let’s get started!
Keep being amazing,