How to find your true life purpose when you are later in life
If you’ve been following our Songs of Psalms episodes for any amount of time, you probably noticed that we have spent a good amount of time talking about Psalm 90. We are currently on Episode 14 and at this point, we don’t know if we’re done talking about it.
We began Psalm 90 trying to understand “Purpose.” We titled our series, “Is it too late to find your purpose?” It was an interesting question to explore because when you first read Psalm 90, you don’t necessarily pick up that it’s talking about “Purpose.”
However, as we began to deep dive into Psalm 90 from a songwriting perspective, we learned there were two answers to the same question. In this blog, we will explore, the first answer: “No, it’s not too late to find your purpose.”
It turns out that depending on the situation, it may not be too late for a person to find their purpose. We learned that the writer of Psalm 90, Moses, was 80 years old when he began walking in his purpose.
This was a great discovery to make because it gave hope that sometimes your purpose may be delayed but not denied. Moses was born to be a leader, but his life took an unexpected turn, and he spent 40 years living in obscurity as a shepherd.
I’m sure there were moments in his life when he was tending sheep, and he probably thought to himself, that it was a mistake for him to think he was a leader. Especially since he did not see any opportunities for him to lead anything other than sheep.
He likely felt disappointed that life offered him nothing more and so he simply accepted the fact that he would live and die as a shepherd.
“Your purpose may be delayed but not denied.”
God was not concerned that Moses was 80 years old; He had a plan for Moses. Eventually, at the right time and season, Moses found his way back to his purpose. If Moses was like us, it’s certain he thought to himself that being 80 years old was not the ideal time for him to finally start living out his purpose.
He probably felt that God should have called him sooner when he was full of vigor and strength. But we’re learning that our thoughts are not God’s thoughts, and our ways are not God’s ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9).
At 80 years old, Moses began walking in His purpose. He knew he had to yield to the One who designed leadership into his core being.
Imagine how unqualified Moses felt for this role. He had spent his life in obscurity. He had ZERO work experience leading people. He knew how to lead sheep, not people.
But this is the exact experience God was looking for! He needed someone who was completely unqualified. Someone who needed to depend on Him every step of the way. This is what made Moses the perfect and most qualified candidate for this overwhelming leadership role.
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The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Plans
Moses didn’t know that the very skills he used for tending sheep were the same skills he would use to lead the nation of Israel out of captivity. What were some of those skills? Patience, Humility, Lead, Be observant, Travel long distances, Gentleness. That’s some to name a few.
Even with these skills, Moses had no other choice but to completely depend on God because he was now leading a whole nation. He was humble enough to admit he needed God’s help! This is what he said in his conversation with God in Exodus 33:15-16.
15“If Your Presence does not go with us,” Moses replied, “do not lead us up from here. 16For how then can it be known that Your people and I have found favor in Your sight, unless You go with us? How else will we be distinguished from all the other people on the face of the earth?”
Perhaps if Moses found his purpose at 40 years old, he would not have depended on God as much! You see, when we’re youthful and full of strength, we feel the need to prove ourselves to everyone, including ourselves.
Moses was a better leader at 80 years old because he no longer had anything to prove. He simply obeyed the call and his great obedience and humility led him to successfully do what he was called to do!
And by doing so, He led the people of Israel out of captivity!
Is too late to find your purpose???
“It’s not too late for you to begin doing what you’re called to do.”
How does Moses' story relate to you as a songwriter? Or, perhaps you’re reading this and you’re not a songwriter but you’re learning about the topic of purpose.
Here’s my response to anyone reading this blog, “it’s not too late for you to begin doing what you’re called to do.”
For my songwriters out there:
Perhaps you’ve had a life of many experiences but you see time going by and you don't have music out. You have so many songs locked up inside you, ready for the world to hear!
Yet, you are living in obscurity while everyone else is writing and releasing music all around you. Don’t fret my friend! It's not your season!
I’m also not saying that you have to wait till you're 80 years old to begin releasing music. When your time comes, it will be the right time for you!
God has not forgotten what He’s called you to do! Allow Him to mold you and shape you. The very thing that you’ve been doing in obscurity, may just be the very thing that God will use to release you into your purpose.
Keep being faithful with the little things and in the right moment, He will make you ruler over much! Trust the process and know that God your Father, has the ideal time for you to step out and handle the responsibility that comes with your purpose.
When you start walking in your purpose, come back here and let me know. And if you have any questions or anything that I can help you with, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Until then, keep being amazing!
Click on the link below to hear our video blog on how Moses discovered his purpose!