Are you called to the music ministry of the Levites?
There is a Holy calling going forth throughout the earth!
The Lord calls His beloved Levitical music ministers to arise and take their place. The Tabernacle of David is being rebuilt once again, but this time, it's not being built in just one place. It is being established in the hearts of God’s ministers.
Communities around the world are experiencing a rebirth in Levitical worship. There is a new group of musical people who are being awakened to their call to worship the Lord.
The Spirit of the Lord is calling His precious music servants to take their place in this moment of time! The return of the Lord is near and He will return to the sound of the singers and the musicians who will together sing and play requesting Him “Come Lord Jesus, Come” (Revelation 22:20).
Are you being called?
The Spirit of God is calling ministers who are ready to say Yes to their purpose in Him!
The quiet ones, the shy ones, the unexpected ones are arising! They are waking up from their slumber because they hear the voice of one crying in the desert “prepare the way of the Lord.” (Isaiah 40:3).
If you are reading this, then you are one of the many who are being called to “prepare the way of the Lord.” I believe you are being stirred to step into YOUR call. The Spirit of God is stirring your heart to come forth. Arise and Shine for your light has come (Isaiah 60:1).
You were behind the scenes hiding and afraid to step into your place. You are afraid no more. The Spirit of the Lord is putting within you a spirit of courage and boldness (Joshua 1:9).
You are arising because you recognize you have a place in the Kingdom of God. Long gone are the days of hiding in the shadows.
You are being called to stand in the place of worship, to serve the house of God. If you are a singer, you are being called to sing, declare and proclaim His praises. If you are a musician, you are called to play skillfully and be anointed unto the Lord.
I am reminding you that you are being called to minister in the House of God! You are coming out of timidity and shyness! You are being given the confidence to step into your post on the altar of the Most-High God.
Are you chosen?
What steps are you taking to know you’re chosen?
The Spirit of the Lord is raising up mature and skillful believers to serve in the House of God. This is a High Calling. It is one that is serious and requires devotion unto the Lord. You know you are being called to the music ministry of the Levites if you are experiencing any of the following:
You are being prepared for such a time as this. I believe you are being groomed by the Spirit of the Lord to return to your first love; return to Jesus with wholeheartedness.
First and foremost He calls you to “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (Matthew 22:37)
You are saying no to things that in the past you would not say no to. For example, you do not want to be distracted by outside influences like relationships that involve drama and conflicts. You are saying no to people who no longer serve a purpose in your life.
You are rebuilding a loving and devoted relationship with Jesus. He has become your one true love and your desire is to love and please Him.
There is a burning in your heart to draw closer to the Lord Jesus like never before. It causes you to want to go deeper in Him and to know Him more. You sense a closeness to Him that you haven’t sensed before.
Your heart and thoughts are continually tuned to Him. You are connecting with Him deeper through prayer and worship. You find that you are constantly communicating with Him.
You are able to hear His voice more clearly because you are spending time in His Word. You are getting a revelation of who He is to You and how much He loves you. You are turning away from the things the world offers that no longer bring you joy and peace.
You realize He is your peace. When you spend time with Him, you are able to share this peace with others. Your worship releases peace everywhere you go.
Not only do you understand that you want to grow deeper in Him but you also are determined to let nothing stop you from fulfilling your purpose in Him.
You sense His Spirit stirring you to improve, to come out of hiding and be the minister He has put in your heart to be.
You are sensing that you have to be better, better than you are, better than you were. If you’re going to sing to Him, you know you want to sing confidently. If you play an instrument, you have a strong desire to play it confidently.
You are not letting limitations stop you from finally stepping into your purpose. You are shaking off old habits, unproductive mindsets, and self-talk that have kept you from ministering to the Lord the way you know you are supposed to.
You are investing time in yourself. You are saying NO to mediocracy and saying YES to submit to the lifestyle of a Levitical music minister.
You are in training or in the process of getting trained. You know that you can’t accomplish your full purpose unless you study to show yourself approved (2 Timothy 2:15).
You are focused on playing skillfully and also anointed and you are coming alongside the community of other anointed individuals who are called just like you.
The Road Ahead!
Are you willing to take the necessary steps to follow the path God has laid before you?
I wrote this blog because I am seeing firsthand how God is raising up anointed singers and musicians in this season.
He is allowing me to work with and train the next generation of modern-day Levites. They are singers and musicians who are stepping up to the plate to be trained before they are released.
They recognize they are not satisfied unless they are doing what they’ve been called to do! They know they are a holy people that the Spirit is setting apart unto Himself to prepare the way for the Lord’s return.
If you feel called, too, but don’t know where to start, let me know in the comments. I would be more than happy to get you started.
““But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” ”
Join us on our blog next week as we’re going to discuss who the Levites were and how we’re called to learn our music ministry from them.
Keep being amazing,
Click on the link below to hear our video blog on the responsibility of a Christ follower.